Is Weight Loss Surgery Right for You?

A doctor educating an obese woman on losing weight and health.

Anyone who has struggled with losing weight may have wondered whether bariatric or weight loss surgery might be right for them. When you try over and over to lose weight and fail, it can be frustrating and defeating. Bariatric surgery can seem extreme, but for many people, it is what they need to achieve their health goals. While choosing weight loss surgery is a very personal choice, here are some signs it may be a solution to consider.

Your BMI is 40 or Higher

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a key factor in determining whether someone is a candidate for bariatric surgery. This number indicates that amount of excess fat your body is carrying. You can use a BMI calculator to determine your BMI, which takes your height, weight and gender into consideration. If it is over 40, you fall into the category of qualifying for weight loss surgery.

You Have Obesity-Related Diseases

There are health conditions and diseases that are directly related to obesity. With many of these conditions, weight loss can help improve or even reverse certain diseases. Some of the conditions that can be related to becoming overweight or obese include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Infertility
  • Sleep apnea
  • Fatty liver
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoarthritis

There are many other conditions that can be related to obesity. Some of these health conditions or diseases are considered comorbidities, like hypertension or type 2 diabetes. Individuals with a BMI over 35 and a comorbidity may be good candidates for weight loss surgery.

You Struggle with a Large Appetite

One of the biggest benefits of weight loss surgery is the change in appetite. If dieting is difficult due to your big appetite, bariatric procedures may be right for you. All bariatric procedures have some level of restriction of your stomach, reducing how much food you can eat. Gastric balloons, Lap-Band and sleeve gastrectomy all restrict the size of the stomach to help curb your appetite.

If you have “brain hunger,” you may produce excess ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone. Sleeve gastrectomy has the unique ability to reduce the production of this hormone. The portion of the stomach removed during the sleeve procedure is where the highest amount of ghrelin is produced, which can greatly reduce hunger in many individuals.

You Lose, Then Gain It Back

Most bariatric patients have tried over and over to lose weight. They may have been successful losing weight, just to gain it all back again or more. If you have spent years fighting obesity, your body may be fighting against you. Your metabolism can change from yo-yo dieting, making it seem impossible to lose weight on your own.

Weight Loss Surgery Options

If any of these signs strike home with you, it may be time to consider bariatric procedures to lose weight. At The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles, we offer both surgical and non-surgical bariatric procedures that can help you finally achieve your goals. Each patient is unique, and their journey may include different options to lose weight. We begin with a personal consultation to discuss the different weight loss procedures available and which may be right for you, including gastric balloon, Lap-Band or sleeve gastrectomy.

Bariatric or weight loss surgery is a major decision, but for many, it is the best decision they ever made. It can give you the tools you need to finally shed 50 or more pounds – many bariatric patients lose 100 or more pounds in several months after their procedure. To find out if weight loss surgery is right for you, contact us at The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles to schedule a private consultation.

Posted on behalf of Dr. David G. Davtyan MD, FACS, FICS

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