5 Signs You May Need Weight Loss Surgery

Slim sporty woman measuring her waist standing at a kitchen table full of fruit and vegetables.

You have been dreading stepping on a weighing scale for some time now. It’s been a few years, actually.

But even without the numbers, you know how heavy your body feels, and that you have been purchasing clothes 2 – 3 sizes bigger than your normal size.

The fact is, your weight is more than what it should safely be.

And you might not be the only one. Studies have shown that American adults have steadily been gaining weight over the years. From 1960 to 2002, Americans put on a whopping additional 24 pounds. That is the average weight of a toddler!

Now, with all that added weight that is dangerous for your health, what’s the best way to go about losing it all immediately?

Well, one answer to that is weight loss surgery.

How do you know if you really need it? Here are five signs to keep in mind.

Sign 1: You Have A Lower Quality Of Life

The first sign that you may need to consider weight loss surgery is the quality of life that you currently have in relation to your physical and mental health.

Studies have shown that obesity is linked to around 60 chronic diseases. Those added pounds put you at risk of illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, breathing problems, mental illnesses such as clinical depression, anxiety, body pain, and general difficulty with physical functioning.

And that’s just to name a few!

If you think surgery is expensive, think about living the rest of your life with any of those chronic diseases. You’ll be spending more on maintenance medicines and hospital stays. Plus, people who are obese tend to retreat from their family, friends, jobs, and social support networks due to the stigma associated with visible weight gain and low self-esteem.

If you don’t want any of that, it might be time to consider weight loss surgery.

Sign 2: You Have A High Body Mass Index (BMI)

Knowing your BMI is also one of the earliest indications that you may be overweight or obese. While the weighing scale will tell you your exact weight, the BMI will tell you if that excess weight falls into the category of obesity.

The weight that goes beyond the upper end of a healthy weight range for a particular gender and height is considered overweight or obese.

To calculate your BMI, you would need to have the following information – your weight in kilograms and your height in meters. If your BMI is anywhere between 18.5 to 25, it falls within the healthy weight range. A BMI that is between 25 and 30 indicates that a person is overweight. A BMI that is 30 and above already falls in the obese range.

A BMI that is beyond 40 is Class 3, which is often referred to as severely or morbidly obese. If your BMI falls under that, weight loss surgery is considered standard care. So get your weight and height measurement now and plug in those numbers to see for yourself where you fall in the BMI spectrum.

Signs You May Need Weight Loss Surgery
Obese woman measuring her waist.

Sign 3: Obesity

With the result of your BMI, it should be your first indication that you seriously need to lose weight. And if you are trying to figure out how you got there, you don’t have to look far and wide to determine the cause of obesity. You can start by looking at your family health history because obesity could run in your family, as the genes passed down by your parents to you may affect the amount of fat you have in your body.

Putting all of the blame on your genes, however, is not the complete picture. The road to obesity is also influenced by the lifestyle that you lead like unhealthy food choices and eating habits such as you taking in more calories than you should per day. That includes liquid calories!

Leading a sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity or exercise is also a big factor that contributes to obesity. Choosing to sit on a couch to watch TV after a meal instead of going for a 15-minute walk around the block or bingeing on that bag of chips or box of pizza while watching your favorite movie are daily choices that we make over time. These very poor choices add a significant amount of weight to our bodies.

Do take note though that obesity may also be caused by medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or a hormonal disorder. In this case, medical intervention other than weight loss surgery may be a better option for you.

Sign 4: An Official Diagnosis Of Obesity

You have to keep in mind that obesity is not just a cosmetic concern but a medical problem that could increase your risk of further life-threatening diseases and may affect the quality of your physical and mental health.

So while having knowledge of your BMI is an indication that you are obese and that weight loss surgery may be something that you need to consider, it would be prudent to consult with a health care professional before taking the next steps.

A medical professional will be able to determine the cause of your obesity and may suggest other interventions before resorting to weight loss surgery. These can include losing weight through changes in your lifestyle to get in more physical activity combined with more healthy food intake.

Your doctor will also be in a position to review your medical history and undertake a health assessment. This includes taking a thorough measure of your body fat such as hydrometry or other methods, especially for morbidly obese individuals. Your doctor will also be able to discuss with you your previous attempts at weight loss or management and their outcomes.

Sign 5: When It Is Presented As An Option By Your Primary Care Doctor

The good thing about your doctor diagnosing your obesity is that they can make a factual determination of the need for weight loss surgery. You and your doctor can discuss the health and quality of life benefits of weight loss surgery, along with the risks that come with it.

They can also recommend including other aspects of medical intervention that may be needed by individuals who are morbidly obese such as mental health or psychological support.

Improve Your Quality Of Life With Weight Loss Surgery, LA!

Weight loss surgery is one of the underutilized treatments for individuals who are obese due to lack of awareness on the need, economic factors, insurance coverage, access to the procedure, and stigma associated with the surgery.

We support your journey towards an improved quality of life. If you are troubled with weight issues that have affected your life and are ready to make the necessary changes in your life happen, we are here to help you.

Visit us at Weight Loss Surgery Center and see for yourself how our team of expert surgeons and service providers has helped thousands of patients successfully overcome their weight loss challenges on the road to an improved quality of life.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

Posted on behalf of Dr. David G. Davtyan MD, FACS, FICS

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