Getting Started - The Weight Loss Surgery Center Of Los Angeles

Getting Started

A Customized Weight Loss Treatment Plan Just For You

Combatting obesity and losing weight doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey – and it starts right here. Dr. David Davtyan is committed to being your partner on this path, and he’ll make sure you have the tools, guidance, and support you need to achieve the long-term success you deserve.

Your weight loss journey officially begins during your initial complimentary consultation with our team in Los Angeles. During that first appointment, Dr. David Davtyan will spend a considerable amount of time learning about you – your medical history, personal goals and weight challenges over the years. He will then use that information to outline a customized treatment plan that is perfectly suited to your needs.

Schedule Your Weight Loss Consultation Today!

In Addition, This Meeting is Also Your Opportunity To:

No matter how big or small your questions might be, they will be answered.

Discuss the likely outcomes of your surgery, along with how much weight you can expect to lose and any potential risks or complications associated with different weight loss procedures you should be aware of.

Discuss your treatment options and weigh the pros and cons of the different weight loss surgeries or treatments available to you.

Schedule Your Weight Loss Consultation Today!

How we prepare you for your weight loss success

A Happy Woman With An Apple and Weight Scale Promoting Good Eating Habits After Weight Loss Surgery

Dr. David Davtyan doesn’t believe in weight loss surgery without lifestyle changes. He knows that in order for his patients to achieve long-term success, they need to embrace a healthier lifestyle, outlook, and mindset. That’s why he’s committed to helping you make changes that will preserve and protect your most important asset: your health.

During your initial evaluation, Dr. David Davtyan will assess your overall health, evaluate your weight loss needs, make recommendations on weight loss surgery options best suited for you and take steps making this journey easy for you:

  • Obtain consultation/clearance from other physicians
  • Obtain authorization from your insurance if applicable
  • Schedule medical tests, X rays, and endoscopy, which you may need prior to your surgery
  • Educate you about your weight loss surgery options, their risks and benefits
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