Obesity and excessive weight gain are extremely common affecting your health, appearance, and overall quality of life. If you have tried to control your weight through diet and exercise without success, you are not alone. The key to weight loss success is having the right tools and support to help you on your journey. Bariatric surgery and medical weight loss procedures can help you achieve your goals. Dr. David Davtyan is a bariatric weight loss surgery specialist in Los Angeles, California, and our founder at The Weight Loss Surgery Center Of Los Angeles.
Schedule Your Consultation with the Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles Now!
The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles is a state-of-the-art bariatric surgery center with multiple locations in the Los Angeles and LA metro area. Our procedures range from full bariatric surgery to minimally invasive weight loss procedures, even non-surgical weight loss procedures. Dr. Davtyan and our team of bariatric experts work closely with our patients to determine the best procedure for their specific situations. We offer our patients the best possible weight loss outcomes with the latest innovation in weight loss surgery and bariatric procedures. Some of the bariatric and weight loss procedures we offer at The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles include:
- Lap-Band surgery
- Sleeve Gastrectomy (laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery)
- Lap-Band removal and revision surgery
- Gastric plication surgery
- Gastric balloon (Orbera® and Obalon™)
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery, also referred to as Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG), is a type of bariatric surgery that involves the minimally invasive removal of part of the stomach. The new smaller stomach is tailored into a narrow and smaller capacity gastric “sleeve”, which is roughly the size and the shape of a banana. This weight loss procedure is completed laparoscopically through small incisions in the abdomen, permanently removing up to 80% of the stomach. The portion of the stomach removed produces the majority of hunger hormone ghrelin in the body.

Sleeve gastrectomy has a high success rate due to the food consumption restriction and lower levels of hunger hormone ghrelin. Patients can lose 60% or more of their excess weight in the first years after surgery.
Gastric Balloon Procedure

The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles offers the Orbera gastric balloon procedure, a non-surgical option for effective weight loss. This bariatric procedure involves the endoscopic placement of inflatable gastric balloon filled with saline into the stomach for a period of six months with the scope of suppressing hunger, inducing early satiety, and resulting in significant weight loss. We have had patients lose up to 80 pounds with the Orbera gastric balloon.
Lap-Band Surgery

Lap-Band surgery, also known as Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB, Lap-Band, LapBand, and Lap-Band System), is a minimally invasive weight loss procedure with incredible results. Lap-Band is a safe and effective bariatric procedure that involves the placement of an inflatable band around the upper part of the stomach. The band suppresses hunger, reduces stomach volume, slows the pace of food intake, and leads to significant and lasting weight loss (up to 250 lbs. at our facility). The band is connected to a subcutaneous port through which saline injections in an office setting can make the band tighter or looser, as needed. The Lap-Band procedure is easily adjustable and can be reversible.
Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric Bypass, also called Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB), is a major laparoscopic bariatric surgery procedure that has been used for decades. The procedure involves stapling off a small pouch of the stomach attached to the esophagus and connecting it directly to the small intestine bypassing the large stomach. This dramatically reduces the volume of food intake because of the small size of the pouch. The little food that is consumed does not get proper digestion and absorption because of the bypassed stomach and part of intestine, which results in massive weight loss. This is why this procedure is both restrictive and malabsorptive.
Dr. David Davtyan does not recommend or perform gastric bypass surgery at The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles. He believes that our other weight loss procedures that are minimally invasive can offer exceptional results with less risk to the health of our patients.
Lap-Band Removal or Revision Surgery
Lap-Band surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, and unlike many bariatric surgeries, is 100% reversible. This unique feature enables the Lap-Band patients to seek whenever it’s appropriate repositioning, replacement, revision, or removal of the Lap-Band device. After Lap-Band removal, the stomach is able to heal itself and realign itself to its normal position, shape, and size after a period of time. Dr. David Davtyan of The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles is highly qualified, skilled, and experienced in the Lap-Band procedure and revision, and has also been successful in achieving major additional weight loss by placing Lap-Band on Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass patients who have stopped losing weight.
Body Contouring Procedures Post Weight Loss
Body contouring refers to a set of surgical and non-surgical procedures used to either reduce or tighten excessive skin that may be loose after massive weight loss. The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, CA works closely with prominent plastic surgeons to offer arm lift, thigh lift, breast lift, abdominoplasty, panniculectomy, liposuction, or total body lift procedures to reshape and firm your body after your weight loss is complete.
Our bariatric surgical team at The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, CA is led by David G. Davtyan MD, FACS, FICS. Dr. Davtyan is a highly experienced surgeon who started his career in cancer surgery and transitioned to bariatric surgery after experiencing the benefits of weight loss surgery firsthand. He is accompanied by a competent and professional surgical and care team that is committed to each patient’s long-term success, and mental, physical, and emotional health, and is renowned for exceptional weight loss outcomes.

Contact The Weight Loss Surgery Center Los Angeles
Bariatric surgery is a life-changing procedure. You want to know you’re in the hands of the highest credentialed and most experienced weight loss doctors Los Angeles has to offer. You want precise and comfortable treatment in a state-of-the-art facility. You want The Weight Loss Surgery Center Los Angeles.
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436 N Bedford Dr Suite 215, Los Angeles, CA 90210