Preparing For Surgery - The Weight Loss Surgery Center Of Los Angeles

Preparing For Weight Loss Surgery

Preparing for weight loss surgery can feel like an overwhelming experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Dr. David Davtyan is committed to making you as comfortable as possible in the days leading up to your procedure, by making sure you know exactly what to expect every step of the way.

What to expect…

…On the days leading up to surgery.

In most cases, you’ll be required to begin a semi-liquid diet 48 to 72 hours prior to your procedure. Generally, this diet will consist of easy to digest foods, but some patients may be instructed to consume only clear liquids. During your pre-surgery appointments, Dr. David Davtyan will provide you with personalized guidance on the type of diet you should adopt before your procedure.

You should also stop using any blood thinning pain medications at least seven days prior to surgery. These medications include Aspirin, Midol, Motrin, Advil and Aleve, among others. If you’re not sure if one of your medications qualifies, be sure to check with Dr. David Davtyan.

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…On the day before surgery.

The day before your procedure, you’ll likely need to begin a diet of only clear liquids. These can include water, fruit juice, fat-free broths, popsicles, plain gelatin, clear sodas and tea and coffee without milk or cream.

However, some surgical procedures require a bowel cleansing or “bowel prep” before surgery. In this case, you’ll need to drink two bottles of a laxative called Fleets Phospho-Soda, beginning the afternoon of the day before your surgery. During your pre-surgery appointments, Dr. David Davtyan will give you specific instructions on how and when to take the laxative.

…On the day of surgery.

The day of surgery, you’ll need to begin a complete fast (no food or drink) beginning at midnight. Talk to Dr. David Davtyan for exact instructions regarding any daily medications you’re taking, and be sure to arrive early for your procedure in the Los Angeles location.

Once you arrive, you’ll be greeted by a member of our friendly staff. You’ll then be shown to a private room where you’ll change into your gown. After visiting with one of our nurses, our anesthesiologist and Dr. David Davtyan, you’ll get started on an IV (saline drip.) This IV will keep your body hydrated during the procedure, and will also allow for any medications to be administered. From there, you’ll be taken into the operating room to begin your surgery.

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