Discuss The Diet Guidelines For Gastric Balloon Patients

A pink ballon with sign that reads lose weight wrapped with a measuring tape.

Any kind of bariatric surgery involves changes in lifestyle and dietary recommendations. After all, the aim is to help you effectively reduce weight. What you eat plays a crucial role in your recovery from the surgery, and how successful it will be in the long term. Luckily, when you work closely with health professionals you find ways to do this in a fun way without making your diet seem like a chore. Here are Dr. Davtyan’s diet guidelines for gastric balloon patients.

For the first week or two after surgery, you will be put on a liquid and soft food diet. Smoothies, juices, and well-cooked cereals/lentils will become your best friend. Ensure that most of your food is protein rich and free of processed carbohydrates.

You want to cover all the important food groups while cutting down the ingredients that come with negative side effects. All this time, also make sure that you are well hydrated. Not only does a adequate intake of water improve your physical health, but it also helps you in recovery.

Even after your recovery, sticking to a protein rich diet is crucial. Chicken, lentils, lean beans, fish – these are all good choices. Stay away from foods that are hard and difficult to digest. Fatty foods, overtly fibrous fruits, processed pastas and rice are a strict no-no!

It is also important to remember the right method of food intake. The aim of gastric balloon surgery is to alter your appetite and food intake. So, stopping once you feel full is important. For this reason, it is advisable to give a sizeable gap to your meals if you are feeling gassy/bloated, have drank a lot of water or have had a smoke. All of these can cause you to feel full without food and can send mixed signals to the brain.

You further need to ensure that you are eating small meals, at least thrice a day. If you feel full quickly, then substitute the missed calories with a snack at some other point. You don’t want to starve yourself or cause needless malnourishment. It’s not only unhealthy, but your body will start storing reserves of food which will be counterproductive to your weight loss intentions. It is also good to cut down on intake of alcohol, and caffeine-rich drinks. They can severely irritate your stomach, particularly after surgery.

At the Weight Loss Surgery Center of LA, we give you complete and absolute guidance before and after the Gastric Balloon procedure to ensure best recovery and sustainable weight loss. Visit us for more information.

Posted on behalf of Dr. David G. Davtyan MD, FACS, FICS

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