How To Keep The Weight Off After A Weight Loss Procedure In Los Angeles, CA

Slim athletic woman waering fitness clothes.

So you’ve finally gotten rid of the extra weight, so what’s next? Does the weight loss procedure just stop at that?

Well…not exactly. In order for the weight loss procedure results to take full effect, continuous maintenance is key. This includes the likes of religiously following a diet and exercise plan, because a weight loss procedure can get twice as effective if there’s control and some mobility involved.

We have taken the liberty to list down some essential steps and reminders that can help you on your journey to recovery and keep the excess weight off after your procedure.

Keeping Yourself Hydrated

All types of weight loss procedures, especially a bariatric surgery, can be exhausting as your body undergoes such tremendous changes. One of which that you may be prone to is dehydration, which is why it’s important to have some water intake especially right after the procedure, by beginning with small intakes and gradually. Sudden gulps may create some complications or overwhelm you during your recovery, so don’t worry about taking it one step at a time!

You should also keep in mind to steer clear of carbonated drinks such as soft drinks, beer or anything that has high sugar content, as it can contribute to adding unhealthy fats and excessive weight, although you may be allowed to take in some low-calorie beverage options like decaffeinated tea or coffee, or even sip some thin-base soup broth.

Getting Back Up On Your Feet…With Baby Steps

After undergoing a surgery or any medical procedure, it may be hard to move for the first few days. As such, it’s more than okay to rest it out until you can feel more at ease to move again. For some, after a day, they can take on going out for small walks, but it is highly recommendable to wait at least 2-3 weeks of recovery before you can do more extraneous activities, especially if you’re a gym or adrenaline junkie. Doing physical activities come in high recommendation as they are good catalysts for burning the excess fats and calories.

It’s important to remember not to rush it, and when in doubt, you can seek your doctor’s advice on what activities you can do in order to have a more effective approach in keeping off the excess weight.

Establishing A New Diet Plan

We get it! This is quite particularly challenging to do since without a doubt, eating is fun! We all love to eat, but if you have undergone a weight loss procedure…well, we’re not telling you to stop eating, but it’s more like, you’ll have to rethink and reassess your diet plan. In order to keep the weight off, you’ll have to be more mindful about your food intake by investing in low-calorie, healthy food options like fruits and vegetables.

If you are a sweet tooth, you’ll have to steer clear of sugars and sweets as they are big contributors to spiking up your weight and fats; as well those that are high in calories and fats.

It may be okay to eat them in moderation, but in order to ensure an effective weight loss treatment, it is best to follow your new diet plan, following your procedure.

Schedule A Follow-Up With Your Doctor

A post-ops check-up can certainly be beneficial for you, regardless of what weight loss procedure you underwent, and your surgeon will definitely check-up on you once in a while to look into your progress or check for any possible complications.

It also through such follow-ups your doctor can determine if a follow-up procedure is necessary.
A lap band female patient who has lost 102 lb before and 6 months after surgery.

Davtyan Medical Weight Loss And Wellness: The Importance Of Weight Loss Procedure After Care In Los Angeles, CA

Here at Davtyan Medical Weight Loss and Wellness in Los Angeles, CA, our care extends to post-weight loss procedure. While we are confident when it comes to delivering our results, we understand the potential risks that may come or some questions you may have once you’re discharged from the clinic. Dr. Davtyan is ready to give consultation and advice during your weight loss transformation. After all, what better way to get the best answers from the weight loss medical expert himself! To get you started, we’ll be happy to welcome and assist you in our clinic. Schedule a consultation now and stay on track on your weight loss transformation journey!

Posted on behalf of Dr. David G. Davtyan MD, FACS, FICS

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