Bariatric Surgery
Patient Testimonial
– Anaid

I heard about Dr. Davtyan through my brother, who also underwent a weight loss procedure, and when I sat across from him and asked if I was a good candidate, he said I was. That was 9 years ago and he was right. I lost 55 lbs, which is the exact amount I was hoping to lose, but what’s more important is that I have kept it off to this day. Over the years I recommended Dr. Davtyan to three of my friends and just recommended another friend last week.

I am so unbelievably happy with the results. The procedure was very easy, it was like nothing even happened. I never even had to have the Lap Band adjusted, I just kept it where I was comfortable and that worked for me. I now weigh 150 lbs and honestly I cherish every single day. I wake up and put on clothes and it’s like I’m born again. I suffered for so many years – I lost weight, but gained it back more and more and more and found that the Lap Band was the best solution possible. The fact that I can keep the weight off, and have for 9 years, is what is most important to me.

Before the procedure, I had so many problems. I used to be hot and sweaty all the time. I was nervous any time I had to go out and I was severely depressed about my weight for a very long time. I even had physical pain back then in my joints. I felt like I was an 80 year old. Now that I am 65, I feel like I’m 40! My depression is gone and I’m no longer hot all the time like I used to be. When I walk around I feel like a feather, really that’s how much of a difference this procedure has made in my life. It’s unbelievable how much I cherish this new situation of mine now.

I’ve been very happy with Dr. Davtyan, he’s very helpful. His staff are really nice and have always been from day one. It was their attitude that gave me the confidence to do such a big thing.

What really makes me realize how different things are, are the comments that I hear now from people like, “Wow you look awesome.” I hear them all the time and it makes me feel really good. It’s every day of my life. My blood pressure is normal, my physical pain is gone. I was trapped in my life, in my body, in everything. I’m free now. Even my attitude has changed, I used to be angry and emotional, but I feel much better. I am happy to go out now where I wasn’t before. I enjoy what I wear, when I didn’t before.

When I recommend Dr. Davtyan and the Lap Band to my friends I tell them the only change you have to make is that you have to eat slow. Other than that you can eat everything you like and eliminate things you don’t need to eat like bread. I can eat everything I want now because I eat very little. When I look at my eating habits now, compared to what they were back then, I realize I used to eat for three people. Now I only eat for me. I think the Lap Band is the only solution to lose weight and keep it off and I wouldn’t have done the procedure with anyone but Dr. Davtyan. Even though I didn’t come in for regular appointments, he and his staff always called and followed up with me and I want to thank them for that. I knew they truly cared about how I was doing and were there if I needed them.

Dr. Davtyan goes above and beyond for his patients. He really does treat you like family. I had good insurance when I started my treatment with Dr. Davtyan, but unfortunately I lost it and my new insurance doesn’t cover my visits. However, the doctor was very generous and provided me with a free deflation because he knew it would have been hard on me financially to pay for it without insurance. He doesn’t let anything get in the way of his professional care.

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