Walter S. - The Weight Loss Surgery Center Of Los Angeles

Bariatric Surgery
Patient Testimonial
– Walter S.

Walter Sanchez Gastric Sleeve patient Before and After Photos
My diabetes is gone, medications are no longer a part of my daily routine, and my blood sugar and pressure are now normal. Finally, I’m able to get a full night’s sleep that I used to only dream about. I am a different person now.

I lived with uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea, not realizing the severity until my doctor warned me that my path would lead to dialysis within five years if I persisted in my current lifestyle. It was then that Dr. Cohen gave me hope by introducing me to my bariatric surgeon Dr. Davtyan, who saved my life. During my consultation Dr. Davtyan explained the different procedures and options I have, guiding me toward the best choice for a happier and healthier life. I chose him as my surgeon because of his genuine concern for my well-being, his detailed guidance, and the care he showed.

The gastric sleeve procedure (Sleeve Gastrectomy) brought a drastic lifestyle change. My procedure and recovery experience was very smooth and surprisingly painless. I was 318 lb. before the procedure and now I’m 212 lb. In just four months, I lost 106 pounds,  a testament not only to the surgery but also to my commitment which included listening to doctor’s guidance, exercising, and having a healthier diet. The astonishing results speak volumes; my diabetes is gone, medications are no longer a part of my daily routine, and my blood sugar and pressure are now normal. Finally, I’m able to get a full night’s sleep that I used to only dream about. I am a different person now.

The impact has been life-changing. My family is amazed at my transformation, my social life is richer, and I can now explore experiences previously challenged and avoided because of my excess weight. The biggest change has been in my relationship with food and the ability to partake in activities without weight as a limitation.

This transformation has been a complete turnaround. My journey with Dr. Davtyan and his staff have been seamless. Following his guidance has been the key to success. I wholeheartedly recommend him for his genuine care, detailed approach, and life-changing impact.

I hope the story of my journey can educate other patients, encourage them and show them that the  gastric sleeve with Dr. Davtyan can be a fairly easy, painless and effective way to lose a lot of weight.


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