Can You Have Gastric Sleeve After Gastric Bypass?

Slim woman after loosing weight.

Have you had a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) before but the post-op life gave you results that weren’t exactly to your liking?

Or did it happen that a few months after your initial weight loss, the path toward your dream weight suddenly slowed down? And then you discovered that you’re no longer losing any weight despite you following a diet and fitness regimen?

Well, we feel you. Getting little results, or worse, gaining back the weight you’ve lost after surgery, is really frustrating. After all, you did work hard and you spent a lot of money on the procedure.

But fret not! Your getting healthy does not stop here! In fact, that’s what this article is about: giving you another path to take in your weight loss journey.

If you’re seriously pondering what your next steps should be, you might want to consider another bariatric surgery in California to help you get back on track to getting your ideal weight.

Interested? Then read on to learn more about gastric sleeve surgery and find out if it’s the right step for you.

Let’s get to it!

Why Is It Possible For Weight Loss To Stall Even After Undergoing Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass works by altering the length of your small intestine and the size of your stomach. This procedure will definitely induce weight loss.

However, according to Obesity News Today, 11.2% of people who undergo gastric bypass fail to hit their weight loss goals 24 months after surgery. This can be caused by a lot of factors such as:

  • Changes in metabolism after losing weight much too quickly
  • The body naturally adapting to and defending against weight loss
  • Failure to stick to a strict, and sometimes unrealistic, low-calorie diet
  • Being too relaxed with your diet
  • The slightest fluctuations in your daily calorie count which can cause your weight loss to stall
  • Reducing the amount of exercise
  • Decreased motivation to keeping the weight off due to various life occurrences

In short, just because you had a gastric bypass doesn’t mean you no longer have to work as hard as everybody else in order to achieve and maintain your ideal weight. Even with a smaller gastric pouch, if you go back to your old eating habits pre-surgery, you will eventually expand the pouch and regain your lost weight.

What Is A Gastric Sleeve Procedure And How Can It Help A Failed Gastric Bypass?

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a procedure that restricts your food intake. It is done by removing most of the left part of your stomach. This does not involve any procedures done to your small intestine.

The theory behind this procedure is quite simple: the smaller the stomach is, the less food it takes to make you feel full. The quicker you get full, the less food you would eat. And the less food you eat, the quicker you lose weight.

It’s a solution for people looking for a solution to stalled weight loss after gastric bypass.

So the simple answer to the question “can you have a gastric sleeve after a gastric bypass” is yes. However, it is advised that you keep on reading to know for yourself if you really need it.

Loosing weight process after weight loss surgery.

What Are The Indicators For You To Get A Gastric Sleeve Procedure?

While you can opt for a gastric sleeve procedure after gastric bypass after unsuccessful weight loss or regained weight, there’s another reason.

You see, getting a gastric bypass done may lead to severe side effects. Some of these complications are:

  • Cachexia
  • Chronic pain
  • Psychological issues
  • Recurrent anastomotic ulceration
  • Refractory neuroglycopenia (A shortage of glucose in the brain)
  • Roux stasis syndrome
  • Severe dumping syndrome that may result to diarrhea and intractable nausea
  • Severe hypoglycemia (low blood pressure)
  • Short gut syndrome
  • Substance abuse
  • Ulcers

If you experience any of these, it might mean that you should have your gastric bypass reversed. It’s rare, but it happens.

And when it’s reversed, that’s when you can get the gastric sleeve done so you can continue your weight loss journey.

How Can You Convert From Gastric Bypass To Gastric Sleeve?

First, the stomach and small intestine are required to be brought back to their normal anatomy. This involves, in layman’s terms, sewing and merging the gastric pouch back to the remaining part of the original stomach and reconnecting the small intestine back to its original route.

Take note that after reverting back to normal anatomy, it will take some time before you can perform a gastric sleeve.

During this time, many patients, according to, regain most of the weight they’ve lost. It’s perfectly normal – after all, your body parts have gone back to pre-surgery condition. And you might not have developed the habit of eating better

But even if it’s normal, it is still advised to be very cautious and disciplined with your lifestyle as you prepare for gastric sleeve surgery. You will be required to maintain a certain weight which makes your liver smaller and makes the surgery safer.

What Should You Do Before Undergoing Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, you have some preparations to do before undergoing it. For example, you’d have to stop the intake of any blood-thinning medicines such as ibuprofen and aspirin days prior to the surgery.

You should not eat or drink past midnight beforehand. And if you smoke, you will have to quit for several months prior to the procedure.

Please do note that requirements and variables to consider may vary for undergoing gastric sleeve before and after gastric bypass.

It is best to ask your surgeon or your doctor for complete details to ensure you and your body are ready to undergo the knife once again.

Looking For A Weight Loss Surgeon In Los Angeles?

If you feel the need for gastric sleeve surgery even after you have already gone gastric bypass, then you should only consider having the most qualified hands perform the operation.

Excellence, compassion, and expertise: these are the three things you can expect from Dr. David Davytan. He’s one of the best (if not the best) weight loss experts in the country – a master of bariatric surgery in California.

Not only that, Dr. Davytan had once experienced obesity and bariatric procedures himself.

Who can you trust better than someone who has experienced what you have, right?

Location is also a factor you should consider. Dr. Davytan’s clinic has plenty of branches in California: Glendale, Beverly Hills, Rancho Cucamonga, Fountain Valley, and Marina Del Rey. You can easily choose the branch closest to you and set an appointment!

Rest assured that wherever you go, you will be welcomed by only the most compassionate and skilled staff members who inherited Dr. Davytan’s mission and vision. They will be nothing but professional and caring. You will not only get expert guidance but also empathy all throughout the process.

Avail of the complimentary consultation – call us at 877-923-7546 or fill out this form.

Reach out to us today so we can begin working together for a better, healthier version of you!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Posted on behalf of Dr. David G. Davtyan MD, FACS, FICS

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