What Is Gastric Plication?

Gastric Sleeve Plication

As obesity and its health risks become a growing issue, a number of medical experts are finding ways to safely help those who have an extremely high BMI (body mass index). Weight loss surgery has always existed as an option for those who have body weight that is difficult to lose. One of these newly developed procedures happens to be gastric plication.

It is a form of gastric surgery that is minimally invasive, and can reduce the volume of the stomach pouch by nearly three ounces. Unlike a LAP band, there is no kind of binding involved. One might think that this makes it similar to a gastric sleeve operation. However, this is not true. In a gastric sleeve, a portion of the stomach is removed in order to reshape the digestive tract. As a result, it is a permanent alteration.

Gastric plication, on the other hand, is a fully reversible procedure. This is a laparoscopic surgery. This means that the abdomen has a few incisions placed on it, through which a small camera is inserted into the body to guide through the surgery. This is possible because gastric plication is the sewing of larger folds of the stomach – and not the removal of any part of the body. The stomach volume is reduced by almost 70% in this manner, allowing for a reduced appetite and helping with weight loss.

One of the major advantages of this surgery is that it is significantly cheaper and, more convenient than a permanent procedure. This is an important factor in a decision that will cause a series of lifestyle changes and medical bills. Another advantage is that the nature of surgery makes it easier on the body in recovery. Therefore, the range of foods that can be included in the recovery and post-op diet is much wider than other gastrointestinal procedures.

Ultimately, the form of weight loss surgery that benefits you will depend on your body type, main concern, and a variety of other medical issues. But discussing this as a viable option is a good idea. The medical team at Weight Loss Surgery Centre, L.A, are equipped to answer all your questions. Visit our website for more information and in-depth advice.

Posted on behalf of Dr. David G. Davtyan MD, FACS, FICS

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